Selasa, 30 Agustus 2022

how to get rid of panda eyes

 A common quick fix is gels with soothing extracts to give 

cooling effect to the area, reducing puffiness. Another 

option is chilled cucumber slices on the closed eyelids for 

15 minutes. Cold tea bags can also work similarly when 

placed on closed lids for 10 minutes.

How to make Google Account

  1. Search create google account on Google Search
  2. Click link "Create Your Google Account" 
  3. Fill the first name, i.e = Rangga
  4. Fill the last name, i.e = Rosandi
  5. Create your username, i.e =
  6. Fill your password(You should remember this password)
  7. Confirm the password you filled in
  8. Click next, to continue
  9. Fill your phone number, and wait for the code verification
  10. You succeed make a google account

How to make donut

 Aims (tujuan) : How to make donut (cara membuat donut)

Ingredients (bahan)

– 200 cc water (air)
– 1/2 pack of instant yeast (bungkus ragi instan)
– 1/2 kg tepung (flour)
– 4 sendok makan gula (tablespoons of sugar)
– 3 sdm mentega (tablespoon of sugar)
– 3 sendok makan susu bubuk / susu kental (tablespoon of powder milk/condensed milk)
– 2 telur (eggs)
– 2 sendok teh garam (teaspoons of salt)

How to make (cara pembuatan):

– First, mix two eggs with a spoon.
– Then, mix the flour, sugar, milk, salt, and butter. Mix until it blended.
– After that, put the yeast in the water. Stir it well and then put the yeast into the dough.
– Knead the dough smoothly and set aside in a container. Cover tightly and let it rest for 20 minutes.
– Take 1 tablespoon of dough then round it off. Give it a hole in the middle.
– Put the dough donut you have formed to a big bowl that is coated with flour.
– Fry all the  dough and let it until cold.
– Sprinkle with powdered sugar according to taste.
– Ready to serve. 

– Pertama, campur dua butir telur dengan sendok.
– lalu, campur tepung, gula, susu, garam, dan mentega. Campur sampai rata.
– Kemudian, masukkan ragi ke dalam air. Aduk lalu masukkan ragi ke dalam adonan.
– Uleni hingga halus dan sisihkan pada wadah. Tutup rapat dan biarkan sebentar selama 20 menit.
– Ambil 1 sendok makan adonan dan bentuk berbentuk bulat. Kemudian buat lubang ditengah.
– Taruh adonan yang sudah bulat dengan lubang ditengah di mangkuk besar yang sudah dilapisi tepung.
– Goreng semua adonan donat dan biarkan sampai dingin.
– Taburi dengan gula bubuk sesuai selera.
– Donat sederhana siap disajikan.

How To Make Ice Lemon Tea


– 1 bag of Teabag
– 2 tsp of sugar
– 2 pieces of Lemon Orange
– 50 ml of hot water
– 6 Ice Cubes
– 150 ml of cold water

How to make:

• Brewed Teabag in 50 ml of hot water.
• Add sugar, then stir until evenly distributed.
• Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea.
• Add ice cubes and add 150 ml of cold water.
• Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea.
• Add lemon slices as decoration. Ice Lemon Tea is ready to be served.

how to get rid of panda eyes

  A common quick fix is gels with soothing extracts to give  a  cooling effect to the area, reducing puffiness. Another  option is chilled c...